As a Canadian citizen I have the
legal right to cheat on my wife as long as it is with another consenting adult,
but that doesn’t mean I should, especially if I truly love and respect her,
which I do. That doesn’t mean that I believe we should enact laws making
adultery a crime either.
Here in the West we have the legal
right as people in the media to poke fun at people, including Mohammed, but
that doesn’t mean we should. Most Muslims are upset and angry over the mocking
of their Prophet and their faith. As a devout Christian I can understand and
sympathise with how Muslims feel as people mock and poke fun at my Savior all
the time, including Charlie Hebdo, and worse, they use his name as a swear
word. So as a writer I will not turn around and mock or otherwise show
disrespect to Muslims and people of other faiths, including atheism, as I want
them to respect my faith.
As for the argument that defiantly
putting a cartoon of Mohammed on the cover with the caption “Je suis Charlie”
is an act of defending freedom of speech and freedom of the press, I strongly
disagree. It is an act of unnecessary disrespect and provocation.
However, as strongly as I may feel
about someone mocking and showing what I consider to be disrespect to my faith,
that does not give me the right to murder them or their families and friends or
total strangers because I feel they might someone be associated with those who
offend me. Nor does it give me the right to threaten them or destroy their
property. I don’t think making such behavior illegal is the solution either.
Education and changing attitudes is. Just look at say the term “nigger”, which
was once commonly used. Blacks educated people about it and gradually the term
disappeared from public use without the use of laws.
However, the biggest concern I have
with a legal approach to this issue is where would it end? People of all faiths
could probably agree on some basics, but beyond that there would likely be major
disputes. We’d also start crossing the line between respecting the faith of
others and imposing a particular faith’s values on everyone else and on suppressing
freedom of the press.
Bottom line is the press needs to
be very mindful of the ethical implications of what we do.